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الجمعة، 11 نوفمبر 2016

America wake up on Trump earthquake :

الجمعة، 11 نوفمبر 2016 - 0 Comments

America wake up on Trump earthquake :

Elected a successor to Obama shook the world.

He won the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Wednesday, in the US presidential election, causing a sudden loud rocked the United States and the world.

According to the latest result was announced, Trump got 290 votes from the Electoral College against the 218 obtained by his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Suffice presidential candidate only 270 votes, to ensure access to the White House, which he did Trump day up 20 votes, which is achieved as a result of very eye.

Trump gave a short speech to his supporters in a hotel room in New York, where his victory was announced and thanked the Americans on his election as President of the United States of America.

Trump said he received a call from Hillary Clinton congratulates winning the presidential race.

Trump said, it would be a president for all Americans and that he would work to defend the interests of his country.

He added that "every American will have the opportunity to achieve the same and we will build infrastructure and create millions of jobs."

Trump sent a message of reassurance to the outside world, saying he seeks to "achieve partnerships with the countries of the world, not conflict."

In an event organized by the Clinton campaign in Gavis conference center a few blocks from the hotel where he talks Trump, overshadowed a gloomy atmosphere among the supporters who were expecting to win.

Preferring Clinton only appear in the event were sent instead campaign director John Podesta to ask its supporters to return to their homes. Podesta said: "We have no more to say tonight."

Later, a statement from the Clinton campaign, he plans to deliver a speech in front of her team and supporters at nine thirty in the morning (14:30 GMT) today (Wednesday), in the Manhattan hotel after its defeat in front of Trump.

Panic financial markets before the announcement of Trump's victory:

Markets recorded a significant decline gradually with steady drumbeat of information from the American media on the results of this election evening long special session.

A state of panic financial markets, on Wednesday, while the decline in the dollar and the Mexican peso even before the announcement of Trump's victory.

In the electoral battle is as important as the presidential race, Republicans managed to retain control of the House and Senate in the legislative elections that took place on Tuesday.

Many polling stations were closed on Tuesday evening after a competitive journey arduous and painstaking fought by both candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for the White House.

He won Trump with 26 states, including: Florida, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee and Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, North Carlina and South Carolina, while Clinton won with 18 of the mandate, including California and Hawaii, Colorado, Illinois, New York and New Jersey.

Trump raised earlier, on Tuesday, once again the possibility of non-acceptance of the election result, saying that he had seen reports about irregularities in the vote, did not provide many details.

The candidates achieved early victories in the states had been expected to win for them, as the Trump won the US conservative in the South and Midwest, while Clinton swept a number of states on the east coast and the state of Illinois in the Midwest.

The campaign focused on the personality of the candidates: Clinton, 69, the former foreign minister and Trump, 70, business mogul in New York. They accused each other as unfit to lead the United States.

Mixed reactions around the world take over the presidency of America Trump

International response:

At the international level, Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram to Trump to congratulate him on his election victory, stressing the importance of dialogue between Moscow and Washington, also he expressed his hope to work together to take out American relations from the crisis.
The European Union was quick to emphasize that he will continue to work with the United States after the election of Trump.
In turn, Chinese President Chen Jinping congratulated the new American president said he looked forward to working with him.
He congratulated British Prime Minister Theresa May the new US president Trump said it expects to maintain a "strong relationship" with Washington.
French President Francois Hollande called for a "united Europe" are able to maintain their values ​​after Trump win.
In turn, congratulated German Chancellor Angela Merkel, US President-elect Trump, but warned that the "close" cooperation between the two countries in the future must be based on shared democratic values, and said the "responsibility" on a global level.
He congratulated the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg President-elect Donald Trump. He said that US leadership "is more important than ever", at a time of new security challenges of the hybrid electronic warfare and attacks to terrorism.
As Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, he said he hopes to lead to the election of the Trump positive steps for the region and to the fundamental rights and freedoms in the world.
For his part, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, said that the US President-elect Donald Trump, to maintain the commitment to the international nuclear agreement with Iran.
In a statement for the Egyptian presidency, on Wednesday, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi congratulated Republican nominee Trump winning the US presidential election and looked forward to strengthening ties between the two countries at all levels.
He congratulated the Emir of Kuwait, Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Trump, and wished him "every success and prosperity," the first of congratulations from the leader of the Gulf.
The Qatar News Agency (QNA), to the Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Trump congratulated his victory in the US elections.
The Saudi Press Agency, said that Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz, US President-elect Donald Trump congratulated on winning the presidential seat.
The agency added that the king wished to Trump's success in his work "to achieve security and stability in the Middle East and the whole region and the world."
In turn, the UAE President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Trump congratulated the victory. He expressed his best wishes to him as "the best in his future tasks."
The Palestinian presidency said in a statement: We will deal with any president elected by the American people on the basis of establishing peace in the region on a two-state solution base.
While the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement confirmed (Hamas), they "do not count" a change in US policy toward the Palestinians with Trump win.
It is the Zionist side, said Israeli Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, the idea of ​​a Palestinian state ended after the election of Republican Donald Trump, president of the United States, calling for "Israel" to retreat from the idea of ​​the establishment of this state.
For its part, congratulated Marine Le Pen, leader of the extremist National Front party in France Donald Trump winning the US presidency.
In Germany, Defense Minister Ursula von der Line described Trump wins "major trauma," she said, "I think Trump knows that this vote is not him, but against Washington and against the institution."
In Asia via the South Korean Foreign Minister Yoon Byung he believed that Trump will continue the current US pressure policy on North Korea for its nuclear tests and missile, adding that Trump "pointed out that the biggest problem facing the world is the nuclear threat, and that members of his national security team are committed to the position of pressure strong on North Korea. "
In the Philippines, President Rodrigo Dottirta was the first world leaders who congratulated Trump, adding that he looked forward to working with him to strengthen ties between his country and the United States.

الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2016

fee "Simpson" animated predicted 16 years ago led Trump to America

الخميس، 10 نوفمبر 2016 - 0 Comments

Donald Trump is making the event after winning the elections to the presidency of the United States, ahead of Hillary Clinton ...

Donald Trump is making the event after winning the elections to the presidency of the United States, ahead of Hillary Clinton ...

الأربعاء، 9 نوفمبر 2016

The wonders of living organisms

الأربعاء، 9 نوفمبر 2016 - 0 Comments

The wonders of living organisms
Two-headed sharks invade the coasts of several of the world
A German businessman has tons of gold collected all his life

الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2016

I received a picture of what is believed to be the largest spider in the world of spiders platoon Huntress

الاثنين، 7 نوفمبر 2016 - 0 Comments

I received a picture of what is believed to be the largest spider in the world of spiders platoon Huntress, in great demand after posting on many social networking sites.

The picture shows reported by the British newspaper The Mirror, a giant spider with eight legs crawling on the vacuum cleaner in the garden of one of the houses, where the Australian was let out of the house and Nfelh special animal breeding farm.

He said one of the workers on the farm, speaking of giant spider "you move the spider to the farm and called it Charlotte's name. This spider is characterized by its large size and strikingly, but it is not as serious as many people thinking that."
He added, "In spite of the large size of the spider Charlotte, it is not the kind that poses a significant risk to human life is fatally bit him."
Huntress spiders abound in Australia, where there are about a hundred kinds of them. These spiders flat objects, and the front legs of her legs is longer than the hind. These spiders are usually found in the trunks of trees, usually enter the homes where they feed insects.
These spiders are being quickly when exposed to any danger, and instantly disappear behind the cabinets, pictures or curtains. But these spiders are not aggressive. Despite the large size of some types it does not hurt unless treated harshly as that capacity is not dangerous. The female spiders prepare a circular casing afford eggs and protected until they are hatched young


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