الجمعة، 11 نوفمبر 2016

America wake up on Trump earthquake :

America wake up on Trump earthquake :

Elected a successor to Obama shook the world.

He won the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, Wednesday, in the US presidential election, causing a sudden loud rocked the United States and the world.

According to the latest result was announced, Trump got 290 votes from the Electoral College against the 218 obtained by his rival, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Suffice presidential candidate only 270 votes, to ensure access to the White House, which he did Trump day up 20 votes, which is achieved as a result of very eye.

Trump gave a short speech to his supporters in a hotel room in New York, where his victory was announced and thanked the Americans on his election as President of the United States of America.

Trump said he received a call from Hillary Clinton congratulates winning the presidential race.

Trump said, it would be a president for all Americans and that he would work to defend the interests of his country.

He added that "every American will have the opportunity to achieve the same and we will build infrastructure and create millions of jobs."

Trump sent a message of reassurance to the outside world, saying he seeks to "achieve partnerships with the countries of the world, not conflict."

In an event organized by the Clinton campaign in Gavis conference center a few blocks from the hotel where he talks Trump, overshadowed a gloomy atmosphere among the supporters who were expecting to win.

Preferring Clinton only appear in the event were sent instead campaign director John Podesta to ask its supporters to return to their homes. Podesta said: "We have no more to say tonight."

Later, a statement from the Clinton campaign, he plans to deliver a speech in front of her team and supporters at nine thirty in the morning (14:30 GMT) today (Wednesday), in the Manhattan hotel after its defeat in front of Trump.


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